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«Актуальные проблемы современного терминоведения»


Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция «Актуальные проблемы современного терминоведения» в рамках Международного научно-практического форума студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых «Неделя науки и творчества – 2022», которая пройдет очно-дистанционном формате на базе Санкт-Петербургского государственного институт кино и телевидения 20 мая 2022г.
Участие в Конференции предполагает выступление с докладом и публикацию статьи.
Рабочий язык Форума: русский (для статей: русский и английский).



The film "Days of Doubt" by SPUFT’s student won a prize of the XIII International Youth Film Festival "Light of the World"

The film "Days of Doubt" by Dilshod Avazov, a student of the feature film department of the St. Petersburg State University of Flilm and Television, became a prize-winner of the XIII International Youth Film Festival "Light to the World". The jury awarded the film with three prizes at once.


Chinese students were welcomed at SPUFT

On May 15, a solemn meeting of foreign guests took place at the St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television. Students and teachers from Hainan Normal University were welcomed by representatives of the university. As part of the foreign delegation, Secretary of the Committee of the Youth Union Cai Ting and acting teacher Ruan Yongchen visited St. Petersburg.


Olga Lyubimova: "The INtonations Festival has become the main industrial platform for those who work with sound"

The grand opening of the IX International Film Festival of Student Works of Sound Engineers "INtonations" took place at the Saint Petersburg State University of Film and Television. More than 500 applications from 22 countries were submitted to the Festival, 69 works are included in the competition program.


A student of SPUFT made a report at an International Research and Practice Conference

February 9 , 2023 3rd year student of group 1061 Binhao Quan under the scientific supervision of Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages A. Oskina made a report at the XXVII International Research and Practice Conference "The service of practical psychology in the education system: the personality and activity of a teacher-psychologist in the modern educational space".



包括 SPbGIKiT 在内的艺术和文化教育机构协会获得了俄罗斯联邦总统为 "第二高等教育作为提高创造性专业人员培训水平的因素 "项目提供的补助金。